Brooklyn Hair's Deep Wave 4x4 lace closures are made from 100% human hair that have been carefully selected to meet all of your hair needs.
With quality and affordability in mind, our Deep wave lace closures will help you to stay on budget while looking as good as ever. Can be dyed, colored, curled and so much more.Brooklyn Hair's 4x4 Deep Wave lace closures.
Our 4x4 lace closures are made from the best human hair strands on the market. With 4" of free parting space, you will surely be pleased with your purchase.
This texture is a deep texture that is a little more wavy than a ocean wave bundles. Like all our other texture, deep wave bundles are 100% human hair bundles that has been handpicked by us to ensure that while affordable these are still promising quality to our customers. These bundles can be worn in its natural curly state to give a naturally wet/ wash and go style.
This is definitely the best value for your money if you are looking for a low-priced solutions. The knots are able to be bleached to create the most natural scalp effect. Applying makeup also works perfectly.
TIP: If bleaching knots, seek professional help as over bleaching will cause your closure to bald.
This closure goes perfectly with our 7A deep wave bundles.
产品系列/Series:7A 级系列/7A Grade Series
假发材质/Hair Material:100% 人发/100% Human Hair
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